Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Ark

Noah, he built him, he built him an arky, arky
Noah, he built him, he built him an arky, arky
Built it out of (clap) hickory, barky barky
Children of the Lord ~ Children’s song

Perhaps Tim & I should have named our RV the Ark instead of the Dawn Treader.  After 3 days and approximately 3 inches of non-stop rain, it’s a wonder we haven’t floated away.  Even though we didn’t build this “ark,” we are doling out the money to fix its cracks and leaks.

Monday we returned to Vonore, TN, after spending Thanksgiving weekend in Nashville.  We thought Jeff Rowe, the owner of East Tennessee Luxury Coaches, would be finished with the list of maintenance issues we’d given him.   

We appreciate the fact that he was able to replace all the tires.  He also ticked everything else off our list, everything except replacing the foggy window whose seal had worn away.

Had I been a  second faster, I could have captured Jacob in action.

That window has proved to be a thorn in our side.  On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the replacement window arrived broken.  Jeff ordered another.  Even though that arrived all in one piece, its box was labeled incorrectly.  The part number written on the side of the box was the one we needed, but the window inside the box was a sliding window, not the plain window specified.

Now we are waiting for a third window.  However, instead of being in-stock at the Prevost service center in Nashville, this order must be filled at the factory in Canada.  That means we will be camping out in the parking lot at Jeff’s shop for several more days, waiting for it to arrive.

There is a silver lining in all this.  Because of the torrential rains, we’ve discovered leaks in places where we’d never thought to look.  Jeff has patched all those up for us.

And we were here on Tuesday to join the celebration of the 21st birthday of Jeff's son Josh.  Cake, ice cream and lots of good-natured ribbing of the guest of honor.  Too bad I didn't snap a photo of Josh at the party--another lost photo opportunity!

Once that darn window arrives and is installed, our ark will be ready to set sail.  Hopefully, the weather won't interfere with a smooth voyage back to Stafford where we'll spend the holidays.  Then everything will truly be hunky dory!

That is the end of, the end of my story, story
That is the end of, the end of my story, story
Everything is (clap) hunky, dory, dory
Children of the Lord.


  1. As a farmer's daughter, the parts saga should be a familiar one. We'll look forward to having you back among us for Christmas! Safe travels!

    1. Yes, I've witnessed many a breakdown and the part you need is always late in arriving. Looks like we'll be here for the weekend! We're not complaining. It was sunny and beautiful here today. Just the kind of day where you want to get outside for a hike which we did. Have a great weekend, Kim!

  2. We are enjoying your blog and adventures you have shared when you barely have hit the road. So thankful you were not stranded in the middle of no where which could have resulted in no solutions. Love the arky prelude. Have a safe travel to your Christmas destination. Love you both๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ„

    1. We are thankful, too, that we are able to work out all the kinks (I hope!!!) before we hit the road. I saw that you've decorated your home for the holidays. It looks beautiful! Enjoy this season! And thanks for reading this post, Yas!
