Thursday, July 7, 2016

Highlights From Wheat Harvest

Normally I take a ton of photos during wheat harvest on my family's farm in Kansas. But I guess this year I had other priorities, mainly the care of my mom who suffers from dementia.

My dad is her chief caregiver during the rest of the year, but the lure of driving the combine during harvest was too tempting for him. So I took on that role as well as my usual duties of chief cook & bottle washer and unofficial documentary photographer. I hardly fulfilled that last task.

Still, there were a few photo ops like sandwich suppers in the field, 

down times when the coolest place was underneath the grain cart,

stops to repair the combine,

connections made at the top of the grain bins,

and the semi dumped

once pipe connections are tight.

There were also lulls after thunderstorms rolled through,

times to congregate on the back porch

and discuss what fields to try next.

Times when one generation sees another 

step forward to assume responsibility. 

Of course, there was drama, too!

A grain bin pipe burst and dumped 300 bushels of wheat on the ground. 

Naturally, this happened at the end of a long day

when predictions of thunderstorms

added a sense of urgency to the clean-up. 

Still, we were fortunate.

As the sun set on our last day of cutting,

we received word that a neighbor needed help. 

So my nephew moved our combine to their field to help them finish, too. 

As the moon rose in the sky, we were grateful to have our wheat safely in the bin.

Tim and I are traveling to the Badlands of South Dakota today. Last night we stayed at a campground on the outskirts of North Platte, Nebraska. Tornado sirens split the night as we crowded into the campground's cinder block laundry facilities. Luckily, no funnels were sighted.

 Only dramatic clouds that whirled across the sky!


  1. Thanks for sharing your glimpses of harvest in your part of the county. I know you and Tim were a blessing to the whole crew. It was good to see you. We'll look forward to seeing you again in September. Until then, we'll see you on the blog!

    1. We enjoyed the teamwork of our harvest crew. There's something that draws you together, working to get it cut while the weather (somewhat!) cooperates. I wish you had finished before the onslaught of rain occurred. Good luck finishing up! We're looking forward to seeing you again in September.

  2. Hi Tim and Cindy, your story sounds stressful and rewarding all at the same time. Safe travels. Everything is the same around here. :). God bless.

    1. Now, Ken! I can't believe that nothing has changed over the past nine months! Surely you and Tricia have had some memorable and wonderful experiences already in 2016. At least, I hope that is the case. We think of you two often and trust that all is well.
